A Beginner’s Guide to Core and Mobility Work

Working on core and mobility may be the two most useful things that you can do long-term for your body. You will be learning all about the ins and outs of core and mobility work. How to make it quick, exciting, and still beneficial! 

What Exactly is Core and Mobility Work?

Core and mobility work can be fancy words tossed around by fitness professionals quite often.

Working on your CORE is the act of strengthening the core muscles (a 360-degree approach to your torso, including the lower back). It can be done through traditional ab movements, but also indirectly as well.

Working on MOBILITY is the act of improving your ROM of flexibility overall. You usually perform bodyweight or lightweight movements pertaining to whatever body parts that you are working on in your workout that day.

Why are Core and Mobility Work Beneficial?

Here are a few reasons why:

  • Fewer aches and pain
  • Helps prevent injury
  • Creates a strong sore…AKA a sneaky way to work the abs!
  • Improves posture
  • Improves lifting form and strength

How Do I Incorporate Core and Mobility Work Into My Workouts?

There are a lot of creative ways to sneak in core and mobility work. I have a WHOLE guide that covers core and mobility work and how to DIY which is included in my Online Coaching Programs. In these guides, the work is already programmed in for you!

Incorporating this type of work into your workouts is fairly simple:

  • Pick 2-3 mobility-type movements pertaining to your workouts that day.
  • Pick 2-3 core movements.
  • Perform 2 x 10-20 reps of each either bodyweight or with a very lightweight.
  • Do this before and after your workouts.

Need a guided workout? Check out this Hip Mobility Routine I created!

RELATED: A Beginner’s Guide to the Gym: The Basics

The concept is simple. Don’t overthink it. This should eat up 10-15 minutes of your time per day–MAX.

Start out slow. Do 1 or 2 moves a day and slowly add in more. We are striving for PROGRESS here, not perfection.

Have questions? Drop them in the comments below and let’s chat!

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