3 Fascinating Protein Myths That Are Shockingly False

3 Fascinating Protein Myths That Are Shockingly False


Protein is one of the 3 main macronutrients: Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fat.

It seems that every couple of years, the media likes to attack one of the three of these and say it’s “bad” for us.

First, it was fat. So, we all went fat-free with practically every product we saw. Now, on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, the high-fat keto diet is praised!

Then, it was carbohydrates. Low-carb everything. I do agree that processed carbs can not be ideal and make you feel lethargic. But getting your carbs from fruits, veggies, and whole grains is the way to go! Our bodies NEED enough carbohydrates to carry out basic functions.

It seemed as if protein could be untouched. I mean, it helps us build and maintain muscle and hardly anyone gets enough of it. But, it seems as the fitness and diet industry goes…they finally picked a fight with protein.

Today, we will be taking a look at the 3 myths about protein that simply…aren’t true!


3 Fascinating Protein Myths That Are Shockingly False



MYTH #1: Too Much Protein Causes Kidney Failure


One of the myths about protein is that too much of it can cause kidney failure. I am sure that you have heard this myth before at some point or another. Even Jillian Michaels went on a big rant about protein and had the audacity to say that protein can destroy your kidneys. I go into detail about what she said and my thoughts in this podcast episode if you want to hear more.

I am here to say that protein causing kidney failure is ABSOLUTELY FALSE.

There is a VERY rare condition where your kidneys cannot filter protein properly and THIS can cause kidney failure. I am sure if you have weak kidneys due to other medical conditions this is a possibility as well. However, anybody with a condition or medical issue would most likely be monitored by a doctor who would TELL them this ahead of time!

As stated more formally from Healthline.com, “A high protein intake has been shown to accelerate kidney damage in people who have kidney disease. However, higher protein diets don’t adversely affect kidney function in healthy people”.

Enough said.


MYTH #2: Everyone Should Take A Protein Supplement


3 Fascinating Protein Myths That Are Shockingly False


Supplements are not ESSENTIAL. Let’s be real. You do NOT need supplements if:

  • You can’t afford them.
  • You are just starting out.
  • You get adequate nutrients in your diet from whole foods.
  • You aren’t deficient in anything.


Supplements can look flashy, colorful, tasty, and fun. If you use supplements, make sure it’s something that will truly improve your performance in the gym or make you feel better in general.

For instance, I live in the New England area AND have PCOS, so I supplement with Vitamin D. Plus, I don’t eat like a saint so I supplement with a multi-vitamin to fill in the nutrition gaps. I hardly ever buy a protein supplement because I get plenty from foods I eat throughout the day!

However, if you find yourself struggling to hit your daily protein goals (around 1 gram per pound of TARGET bodyweight) maybe you SHOULD consider investing in a powder supplement or adding in some protein bars as snacks!

So, as you can see, protein supplements aren’t 100% necessary but are GOOD if you actually NEED them.


MYTH #3: You Can Only Get Protein From Meat


This one is for all of my vegans out there–you CAN get protein from non-meat sources!

Think: lentils, black beans, tofu, chickpeas, vegan protein powder, the list goes on.

However, vegans tend to lack essential aminos and other nutrients that can only be found in animals, so supplementation is often necessary to assure you are getting everything that your body needs!


While there are many other myths about protein floating around out there–these are 3 BIG ones. I hope that these busted myths help you to make smart choices in your health and fitness journey!

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