It's time to transform 🦋

Learn how to break the crash dieting cycle, get the results you’ve been trying to achieve for years now–all without giving up what you love. 


Stop doing unsustainable workout and diet programs

They end up leaving you burned out and heavier than before.

Here's What Happened:

You decided you wanted to lose weight so…

You thought about sticking to a consistent workout program...

👉 BUT you ended up following random workouts on the internet or bought a cheap one off program that doesn’t meet your needs and you ended up bored and directionless—with no results.


then you thought about tracking your food...

👉 BUT it’s so exhausting and challenging. You track everything but you don’t even know if your calorie or macro goals are right. It feels like no matter how little you eat, you just can’t get the scale to budge.

you even just considered doing it all yourself...

👉 BUT you end up googling into oblivion, getting mixed messaging on what’s best and running yourself into the ground on the verge of burnout. On top of it all, you don’t have the greatest support system to keep you going.

They have all done it, and so can you.

Hey, I’m Tina and I’ll be your transformation coach.

When I started out on my fitness journey, I DID end up losing weight, having a lot more energy and getting compliments left and right.

But then…

I started feeling cold all of the time, run down, no energy.

I was running off 1200 calories per day and hours of cardio, only to focus on the number of calories burned. 

My hormones became out of whack with no periods and my hair was falling out. This WASN’T sustainable!

So I tried…

❌ following programs from fitness girls that I wanted to look like

❌ following diets that required me to restrict certain foods (or entire food groups!)

❌ googling myself into oblivion trying to find the “perfect” fitness solution


I can achieve amazing, lasting results without going to extremes!

And this time, I finally started to see the results I’d been working for, for so long:

I finally felt like myself again. I could crush my workouts and still have energy to go about my day

✅ No more fear around food. I learned how to fit what I enjoy into my diet while still seeing results.

✅ Releasing the idea of “perfect” and having the tools to adapt my health and fitness routine to whatever is going on in my life at the current moment

The best thing?

I transformed my mindset around health and fitness so it's now something sustainable and enjoyable that I can use FOR LIFE, not just a race to see how quickly I can lose weight.

I actually ENJOY my workouts and LOOK FORWARD to making delicious healthy meals! My fitness routine no longer brings me anxiety and actually leaves me feeling refreshed and energized to enjoy all of the things life has to offer.

Here's What You Get:





Rev up your metabolism, burn calories and torch fat! Learn the  best way to lose fat and keep it off.

Phase 2: Build


Build strength and tone muscle. An emphasis on proper weight lifting technique and form in this phase.

Phase 3: Optimize


Optimize your body and hormones to maintain everything that you’ve worked so hard for!

welcome to the...

12 week transformation

The first fitness program for busy women that will help them to transform not only physically, but mentally into the rejuvenated and healthy woman they have always wanted to become in just 12 weeks.


Nope! All challenge workouts can be modified for both at-home or in the gym!

*Please let Tina know if you plan to be doing the challenge from home so she can assign you the right program.

Each client will receive custom calories and macro goals to start. 

Nutrition coaching will be either full or partial macro tracking OR habit-based/portion control coaching through meal photos. Whichever option best suits your needs!

We will review your food logs weekly and make adjustments and I will give you detailed feedback in your weekly check-ins.

The sample meal plan generator and recipe guides will be available to ALL clients!

This challenge DOES include everything you could get in other popular challenges like workouts, nutrition help, meal ideas, etc. 

There is an added element of personal support, accountability, weekly trainings and community that I don’t believe you will find anywhere else. 

This element I believe is the secret sauce to staying motivated and getting long lasting results.

If you want to commit to this long term–I recommend doing the VIP Coaching Extended Package–scroll to the bottom when you click any of the “join now” buttons.

You get 3 extra months of coaching with me for a total of 6 months of coaching and support to get you to your goals!

1000% yes! (Plus who doesn’t enjoy doing the challenge with a friend?) 

grab your free workout guide