Hey, I'm Tina

Helping women like you to achieve sustainable weight loss and have confidence with free weights.


I didn't have a very athletic childhood...

I was NEVER into sports growing up. I was the one who tried everything to avoid gym class.

I was actually a pretty chubby girl growing up, but I held my weight well. I became self-conscious at a very young age. I had a poor relationship with food, using food as a way to cheer myself up, and looking forward to those weekends of getting take out with my family. 

I went on a “diet” in fourth grade. I did lots of crunches, took the crust off my Pop Tarts and ate apples. The weight fell off me and I was skinny (do NOT recommend). The school nurse noticed when I went to the office for a belt because my pants were falling off of me. She was concerned, and called my mom about it.

I was never diagnosed with an ED, but I had a hard time feeling comfortable in my skin. That was, until I found fitness.

I was first exposed to fitness when I took the lifting class in high school instead of being stuck with the competitive guys playing dodge ball. I fell in love to say the least. 

Starting at 16 years old into my early twenties, I became a self taught fitness enthusiast, absorbing all the info I could and learning through trial and error. I dropped 25 pounds and built lean muscle. I felt great! 

I felt so good, I wondered why more people weren’t doing this?! I KNEW that everyone could move and make healthier food choices in some shape or form, no matter their limitations. So, from that point forward, I set out to help people from all walks of life become healthier in a way that worked best for THEM, with no discrimination. 


I got my personal trainer certification through ISSA in 2016. I started my first in-person training job. I have been a personal trainer for over 7 years and have trained hundreds of clients in that time!

I have worked with college athletes + pre-teens to middle-aged clients with hip and knee replacements. The oldest client I’ve ever coached was a 94 year old. I’ve coached people with every injury and limitation you could think of. A lifelong friend and current client of over 5 years is in a wheelchair with a TBI (traumatic brain injury), and she has made incredible progress.

In 2022, I was officially diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, which runs in my family. This is even more of a reason for me to stay as healthy as I possibly can. 

My Current Mission

I’ve spent years listening to my clients and finding what works best with their lifestyles while also getting them LONG LASTING results.

I help women to finally lose the weight for good and feel confident lifting weights. We focus not just on the scale or measurements but how you FEEL. Do your clothes fit better? Do you have more energy? More confidence? These things are priceless and will help you to navigate a healthy lifestyle for LIFE–no matter the circumstance. 

Since I was never involved in sports growing up, I always viewed health and fitness from an “everyday” lifestyle perspective. You don’t have to be a bikini competitor or athlete to get amazing results. You don’t have to drive yourself crazy either. And that’s my mission to help all the people out there who want that for themselves, too.

Fun Things About Me

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