Keep the Weight Off With These 3 Easy Steps

Keep the Weight Off With These 3 Easy Steps

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Losing weight can be hard. ANY fitness goal can be hard to achieve for that matter.

It’s because the world has been teaching you ALL WRONG.

The Endless Cycle that brings NO results

Here’s what I normally see: 


STEP 1: 🥦LOSE WEIGHT: You are going to lose weight with whichever method you choose. Keto, low-carb, paleo, hours of endless cardio…whatever. It WORKS–YES! But not for long…

STEP 2: 😩FAILURE: Inevitably the methods you used to produce such quick and great results are unsustainable. You got a quick win, but after the 30 day challenge, you felt exhausted, couldn’t keep up and didn’t know what to do next. So…

STEP 3: 🍦BINGE: You “binge” because you are so damn tired that you sit on the couch and eat a pint of Ben and Jerry’s while binge watching Outlander (and admiring Jamie’s abs).

STEP 4: 🎬START OVER: So you end up starting over again at some point once you licked your wounds.

Sound familiar? If you said yes, so did a lot of others, including myself.

Traditional diets and quick fixes market to you to MAKE MONEY💸. If you kept the weight off forever, how would they keep making money? You’re set up to fail.

The method I use to help hundreds get lasting results

In comes Tina to save the day with the SUSTAINABLE method to getting the weight off (or any other goal you may have) FOR GOOD!

Now, this route requires more time, and it quite literally changes how you THINK because it’s not just workouts and picking the right foods that gets you the long-lasting results you desire.

It’s undoing all that bull crap we’ve been spoon fed by TV infomercials and TikTok over the years.

So, here is the 3 step flow chart I use with my clients (and myself!) to get long lasting, sustainable results:

💬P.S. Check out awesome physical and non-physical results my clients have gotten over the years here.


PHASE 1: 🏡 FOUNDATIONS: To build a strong anything, you need a strong FOUNDATION, or the rest crumbles eventually. A strong foundation requires you to work on the core, boring habits and not worry about the flashy, fun stuff right now. So, more drinking your water, eating your fruits and veggies and moving daily. Less sweat wraps and foam rollers.

Another key part about the foundation phase that people often miss is that they may have to go backwards to go forwards. Let me explain. Let’s say you have chronically dieted for YEARS and you can’t even eat more than 1200 calories or you end up gaining weight. You are NOT broken, your metabolism is just so down regulated that anytime you add in food, you will store fat. This type of scenario will require a GRADUAL increase in food, closely monitored and probably LESS workouts, and MORE gentle movement. You may get bloodwork done that shows nutrient deficiencies that need to be addressed.

Building a strong foundation. This can take 3 months or over a year. It all depends on the person and their situation.

PHASE 2: 🏀 MOMENTUM: This is the fun phase. You’ve established a strong foundation so when you DO start protocols to achieve your goals, it’s a snowball effect and results compound like crazy. This is why Phase 1 is CRUCIAL for phase 2 to work!

Phase 3: 😌 MAINTENANCE: Maintenance is easing up on your momentum protocols and balancing everything you have learned with everyday life so things can be sustainable. I like to say you hold onto the extra 5 pounds to live your life a little but you still look and feel great!

I want you to think of this flow chart as a sliding scale. I don’t believe we can stay in any one phase forever, even if you are doing it the sustainable way!

Life inevitably happens, and you may slip out of maintenance. What do you do? Revisit your foundational habits. Make them strong again and you may need a mini momentum phase to get back on track.

But once your mindset is transformed and you see how it works, the goal is that revisiting these phases when life throws us curveballs makes it much easier and manageable compared to the lose weight, restrict, binge, fail cycle from earlier.

You just slightly deviate from the path versus falling off the whole cliff.

Much more manageable, yes?

Want long lasting results? My coaching can help. Apply to work with me here.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about this below–let’s chat in the comments!

Keep the Weight Off With These 3 Easy Steps

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